Happy Independence Day!

To all those who serve or have previously served this great nation, thank you for your military service! America is home of the free, because of the brave men and women in uniform – so today we honor and salute you!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of witnessing a redeployment ceremony at Fort Hood and welcoming back 292 Air Cavalry troopers home in time to celebrate July 4th with family, friends, loved ones, and fellow brothers and sisters in arms! As a military spouse I have a deep appreciation of our troops and the sacrifices they make along with their families.

I am advocate for “FREEDOM” in every sense of the word, with an emphasis on financial freedom and literacy. When we think back to our fourth grade history lesson about America’s declaration of Indepence from Great Britain I am reminded of the phrase: “Taxation Without Representation”. Has Congress kept the American Dream alive with these recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) reforms?

I’ll just let that sit here and marinate in your mind for now. Enjoy your holiday and check back for more blog posts after my upcoming trip to Houston, Texas, for the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.’s 68th International Convention (Boule)!


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